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BASIL READ HOLDINGS LIMITED - Update to the Basil Read Limited Business Rescue Plan

Release Date: 27/01/2023 14:45
Code(s): BSR     PDF:  
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Update to the Basil Read Limited Business Rescue Plan

Basil Read Holdings Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registration Number 1984/007758/06
Share Code: BSR ISIN: ZAE 000029781
(“Basil Read Holdings” or “the company”)


Shareholders are referred to the last announcement released
on SENS on 14 September 2022 in relation to the Business
Rescue proceedings for Basil Read Limited (“BRL”), a
subsidiary of the Company.

Given that the Business Rescue proceedings of BRL have not
been concluded within three months of the commencement
thereof, the Business Rescue Practitioners (“BRPs”) publish
a monthly update report in terms of section 132(3)(a) of the
Companies Act 71 of 2008 (“Companies Act”). In this regard,
twenty seven update reports are available on  These update
reports should be read in conjunction with the Business Rescue

These latest reports indicate the following:
1. The Group continued operating steadily despite the
  contraction in the local and global economies.

2. BRL has completed all the construction contracts that were
  earmarked for completion with the Employers having issued
  the Performance Certificates in this regard. BRL is now
  targeting the commercial close out, which includes final
  account determination and return of Construction Guarantees
  for two contracts in namely:

  2.1. TCTA (Olifants River Water Resources Development
        Project – Phase 2);

  2.2. Eskom Medupi Building Project.
3. The aggregate contingent liability in the form of
   construction guarantees have been reduced to R72.6 million
   versus R1.1 billion at the beginning of the rescue

4. BRL continues to pursue contract claims as it relies
   heavily on claims proceeds to meet its commitments.
   Although there has been considerable progress in obtaining
   favourable rulings with respect to certain of these claims,
   some Employers continue withholding payments necessitating
   additional legal action to enforce the rulings. Thus, the
   timing of receipts of funds for these claims remains

 5. The BRPs have reported no further developments in the
    realisation of the non-core assets given the prevailing
    depressed economic conditions domestically and globally.

6. The business rescue practitioners remain of the view that
   a full implementation of the Business Rescue Plan will
   achieve a better result than a liquidation.

7. From a Basil Read Holdings Limited perspective, the
   implementation of the Business Rescue Plan of BRL
   continues. However, its effect at a group level remains
   uncertain until it is completed. Therefore, the suspension
   will remain in place until the implementation is complete
   and the effects on the group can be determined.
8. Due to the ongoing business rescue process of BRL, the
   Company will not be in a position to release financial
   results for the year ending 31 December 2022.


27 January 2023

Company secretary
Emmaus Holdings (Pty) Limited

JSE Sponsor
Grindrod Bank Limited

Date: 27-01-2023 02:45:00
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